Looking for full-time assistant researcher, post-doc, phd candidates, initiative (high GPA/proved research capability) undergraduates, who are interested in machine learning especially for autonomous driving, quantum machine learning, learning combinatorial solvers, and AI4Science. Please send me resume via yanjunchi AT sjtu.edu.cn.
SJTU-ReThinkLab 上海交通大学Rethink实验室
Junchi Yan

Full Professor (tenured), IAPR/IET Fellow
Founding Program Director of Zhiyuan AI Elite Class
Founding Assistant Director of MoE Key Lab of AI
Founding Assistant Director of SJTU School of AI

Area Chair for ICLR/ICML/NeurIPS/SIGKDD etc.
Associate Editor for TPAMI/TOPML/PRJ

yanjunchi AT sjtu.edu.cn
SEIEE Building 3-519
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
School of Artificial Intelligence
Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Homepage visit history since May 2, 2018:
Recent news
2024/09 Sixteen papers(14 corr. & 3 benchmark) were accepted by NeurIPS 2024
2024/09 One paper GPT for Dunhuang literature was accepted by EMNLP 2024
2024/09 I was elected as IAPR Fellow
2024/08 One paper (corr.) on dynamic graph learning was accepted by IEEE TPAMI
2024/08 I will serve as Area Chair for ICLR 2025
2024/07 Outstanding/1st/2nd/3rd prizes CCF-Quantum Computing Contest 2024
2024/07 Two papers(one corr. for think2drive) were accepted by ECCV 2024
2024/06 I will serve as Area Chair for SIGKDD 2025
2024/06 Two papers (corr.) on quantum and EDA were accepted by ICCAD 2024
2024/06 A paper (corr.) on ML4CO was accepted by 中国科学: 信息科学(中文版)
2024/06 No.1 (won 10/40 regular tracks) in EPFL Benchmark (IWLS) 2024
2024/06 Check out our closed-loop AD benchmark bench2drive!
2024/05 Our paper is awarded Best Paper Candidate for CVPR 2024
2024/05 Two ACL papers and two SIGKDD papers (3 corr.) were accepted 2024
2024/05 I will serve as an Associate Editor for IEEE TPAMI
2024/05 I will serve as Area Chair for NeurIPS 2024 and AAAI 2025
2024/05 Ten papers(9 corr.) were accepted by ICML 2024
2024/04 I was listed as 中国2023年智能计算创新人物 by MIT Tech Review China
2024/04 Congrats Qitian to be a Broad Institute Post-doc hosted by MIT/Harvard
2024/04 I was awarded the 1st prize of Natural Science Award of Shaanxi Province
2024/03 I was listed as Elsevier Highly Cited Chinese Researchers 2024
2024/03 Student Xue Yang was awarded by SJTU PhD Thesis Award 2023
2024/03 Survey on autonomous driving was accepted by 中国科学:信息科学(中文版)
2024/02 Check out (in public literature) the first model-based RL4AD think2drive!
2024/02 Six papers(including 1 quantum & 1 Jittor) were accepted by CVPR 2024
2024/01 The Pygmtools toolkit (correspodence) was accepted by JMLR
2024/01 Two papers (both correspondences) were accepted by WWW 2024
2024/01 I was listed as CCF Distinguished Speaker 2023
2024/01 Thirteen papers(10 corr.) were accepted by ICLR 2024
2024/01 I will serve as Area Chair for SIGKDD 2024
2024/01 Deep Learning was rated as Shanghai 1st-class Undergraduate Course
2023/12 Survey (corr.) on visual prompt learning was accepted by 计算机学报
2023/12 Student Xue Yang was awarded by CCF PhD Thesis Award 2023
2023/12 Four papers (2 correspondences) were accepted by AAAI 2024
2021/12 Student Qitian Wu was awarded by SJTU Scholar Star 交大学术之星 2023
2023/12 I (as advisor) was awarded Yau-award Golden Medal (丘成桐中学科学金奖)
2023/12 I will serve as Area Chair for ICML & Senior PC for IJCAI 2024
2023/11 Paper on drug design was accepted by Nature Communications 2023
2023/10 The Deep Learning course was listed as Shanghai Major Course Program
2023/09 TS transformer survey rated No 1 influential IJCAI23 by PaperDigest
2023/09 Seven papers (6 corr. on regular track) were accepted by NeurIPS 2023
2023/09 I will serve as Area Chair for ICLR 2024
2023/09 Won quantum computing track for Challenge Cup 挑战杯特等奖 2023
2023/09 Won (supervisor) NSFC Undergraduate Fund 本科生自然基金 for AI4PDE
2023/09 Won Champion in quantum chemistry for Mindspore-QC 2023
2023/08 Congrats. Runzhong Wang becomes an MIT Post-doc in AI4Science
2023/08 Won 1st (x2), 2nd, 3rd prizes for CCF-Quantum Computing Contest 2023
2023/07 Two papers (both corr.) were accepted by ICCAD 2023 (IWLS EPFL contest)
2023/07 Two papers (both corr.) on auto-driving and NAS were accepted by TPAMI
2023/07 Two papers (both corr.) were accepted by ICCV 2023 and two by ACM MM
2023/06 I was promoted to Full Professor (CSE Department)
2023/06 No.1 (won 12/40 regular tracks) in EPFL Benchmark (IWLS) 2023
2023/05 I serve as Area Chair (above SPC) for AAAI 2024 and ACM MM 2024
2023/05 Seven papers (all corr. & 1 on quantum ML) accepted by SIGKDD 2023
2023/04 Seven papers (all corr. & 4 on quantum ML) were accepted by ICML 2023
2023/04 Three papers (2 corr.) were accepted by IJCAI 2023
2023/04 I was elected to Vice Chair of Senior AC Committee VALSE
2023/03 Founding SAE for ACM Trans. on Probabilistic Machine Learning (TOPML)
2023/03 One paper (corr.) on joint clustering and matching was accepted by TPAMI
2023/03 One paper on MARL was accepted by JMLR 2023
2023/02 Four papers (2 correspondence) were accepted by CVPR 2023
2023/02 I will serve as an Area Chair for NeurIPS 2023
2023/02 Paper (corr.) on rotation detecton accepted by 中国科学: 信息科学(中文版)
2023/02 Paper (corr.) on medicine recommendation was accepted by WWW 2023
2023/01 Thirteen papers (12 corr., 2 oral/spotlight) were accepted by ICLR 2023
2022/12 I organized and host the AI4Science Forum hold in PRCV 2022 (CCF-C)
2022/12 Student Xue Yang (杨学) was awarded CCF-CV Fellowship 新锐奖 2022
2022/12 I will serve as an Area Chair/SPC for ICML & IJCAI 2023
2022/11 Two papers on TPP were accepted by LoG & AAAI 2023
2022/11 Awarded the Tencent Rhino Bird Brozen Medal (腾讯犀牛鸟中学生竞赛银牌)
2022/09-11 I was elected as Senior CAAI Member & Distinguished CCF Member
2022/11 Two surveys on ML4MIP/ML4SAT (corr. author) were accepted by NC/MIR
2022/09 Eleven papers (all corr., 4 spotlight) were accepted by NeurIPS 2022
2022/10 Contributed to scientific questions on intelligent computing in Science 2022
2022/09 One paper (corr.) on autonomous driving were accepted by CoRL 2022
2022/08 One paper (corr.) on GNN was accepted by IEEE TNNLS
2022/08 One paper on MARL was accepted by AAMAS Journal
2022/08 One paper (corr.) on rotation detection was accepted by IEEE TPAMI
2022/07 Seven papers (3 corr.) were accepted by ECCV 2022
2022/06 Three papers (all corr.) on CLIP and OS were accepted by ACM-MM 2022
2022/06 One paper on object detection was accepted by IEEE TCSVT 2022
2022/06 One paper (corr.) on forecasting was accepted by IEEE TKDE 2022
2022/05 4 papers (corr.) were accepted by SIGKDD 2022 & 3 (1 corr.) by ICML 2022
2022/04 One paper (corr.) on temporal detection was accepted by IEEE TKDE
2022/04 One paper (corr.) on point process clustering was accepted by IJCAI 2022
2022/04 One paper (corr.) on small detection was accepted by IEEE TPAMI
2022/04 I will serve as an Area Chair for NeurIPS 2022
2022/03 Four papers (three corr.) were accepted by CVPR 2022
2022/02 R3Det (corr.) was rated as No 1 influential AAAI21 paper by PaperDigest
2022/02 One paper (corr.) on mesh learning was accepted by IEEE TNNLS
2022/02 I serve as an Associate Editor for Pattern Recognition
2022/02 One paper (corr.) on rotated object detection was accepted by IJCV
2022/01 One paper (corr.) on contrastive embedding was accepted by IEEE TKDE
2022/01 I serve as an Area Chair for ACM MM 2022
2022/01 Four papers (three corr.) were accepted by ICLR 2022
2021/12 One paper (corr.) on generative clustering was accepted by IEEE TNNLS
2021/12 I serve as an Area Chair and Senior PC for ICML and IJCAI 2022
2021/12 Student Xue Yang was norminated by SJTU Scholar Star 2021
2021/12 One paper on robustness certification was accepted by AAAI 2022
2021/11-12 Qitian Wu (吴齐天) was awarded by Baidu and MSRA Fellowship 2021
2021/11 Zenan Li & Xinyu Yang were awarded by Sensetime Fellowship 2021
2021/10 Runzhong Wang (汪润中) was awarded CCF-CV Fellowship 新锐奖 2021
2021/10 One paper (corr.) on GNN was accepted by IEEE TNNLS 2021
2021/09 Xue Yang, Hao Xiong, Yijun Wang were awarded National Fellowship 2021
2021/09 Six papers (5 correspodences) were accepted by NeurIPS 2021
2021/08 One paper on sequential recommendation was accepted by CIKM 2021
2021/07 I serve as an Area Chair for AAAI 2022
2021/07 One paper on multi-modal robotics sensing was accepted by IROS 2021
2021/06 I was elected as IET Fellow (formal endorsement deferring to June 2023)
2021/05 2 papers (1 corr.) were accepted by SIGKDD 2021 & 4 (3 corr.) by ICML 2021
2021/05 One paper (correspondence) on relation extraction accepted by ACL 2021
2021/05 One paper (correspondence) on QAP was accepted by IEEE TPAMI
2021/04 Two papers (all correspodences) were accepted by IJCAI 2021
2021/04 I serve as an Area Chair for ACM MM 2021
2021/03 Five papers (1 oral, 3 correspodences) were accepted by CVPR 2021
2021/01 One paper on NAS (correspodence) was accepted by ICLR 2021
2021/01 One paper (correspodence) on sequence was accepted by IEEE TKDE
2020/12 I (as advisor) was awarded Yau-award Bronze Medal (丘成桐中学科学铜奖)
2020/12 Seven papers (5 correspodence) were accepted by AAAI 2021
2020/12 I was awarded as the Wuwenjun Young Scientist 吴文俊优秀青年奖 2020
2020/11 I was invited as the Associte Editor by 中国图象图形学报
2020/11 State Major R&D Program (2030青年项目) on ML4CO was approved
2020/10 I serve as a SPC for IJCAI 2021 & Managing GE for Pattern Recognition
2020/09 One paper (correspondence) on embedding was accepted by IEEE TKDE
2020/09 Three papers (two correspondence) were accepted by NeurIPS 2020
2020/09 One paper (correspondence) on entity was accepted by EMNLP 2020
2020/08 One paper (correspondence) on optical flow was accepted by IEEE TIP
2020/07 One paper (correspondence) on image matching was accepted by IJCV
2020/07 Five papers (four correspondence) were accepted by ECCV 2020
2020/06 One paper on learning graph matching was accepted by IEEE TPAMI
2020/05 One paper on cross-network embedding was accepted by IEEE TKDE
2020/04 Two papers on combinatorial learning/NAS were accepted by IJCAI 2020
2020/04 One paper on multi-graph matching was accepted by IEEE TPAMI
2020/03 One paper on generative sequence clustering was accepted by IEEE TKDE
2020/03 One paper on temporal abnomarly detection was accepted by IEEE TNNLS
2020/02 Three papers on graph, adversarial learning were accepted by CVPR 2020
2020/02 I will serve as an Area Chair for ICPR 2020
2020/01 I will serve as an Area Chair for CVPR 2021
About SJTU-ReThinkLab

Founded in April 2018 by Dr. Junchi Yan, the vision of SJTU-ReThinkLab (上海交通大学交想实验室) is to develop cutting-edge technolgies for solving the real-world problems whereby data-driven approach interleaved with domain knowledge can be well explored and applied. In particular, the recent years' research is focused on combinatorial optimization, PDE, quantum computing, and AI4Science.

Working experience
Full Professor (tenured, PhD Advisor), 2024.05-present
School of Artificial Intelligence, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Full Professor (tenured, PhD Advisor), 2023.06-present
Associate Professor (tenure-track, PhD Advisor), 2018.04-2023.06
CSE Department || AI Institute, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Senior Research Staff Member (band 9) & Principal Scientist
Visual Analytics for Cognitive IoT, IBM Research 2017.09-2018.04
Founder of SDALA Lab & Post-Doc (委培)
East China Normal University 2015.10-2018.04
Research Staff Member (band 8)
IBM Research 2014.07-2017.08
Staff Researcher (band 7)
IBM Research 2013.08-2014.06
Visiting Researcher
Collaborator: Murray Campbell (the father of DeepBlue)
IBM Watson Research Center, USA 2013.03-2013.04
Researcher (band 6)
IBM Research 2011.04-2013.07
Software Design Engineer Intern
Microsoft, Shanghai 2010.06-2010.09
Ph.D., Information and Communication Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University 2012.9-2015.9
在职委培, Advisor: Prof. Hongyuan Zha 查宏远, Prof. Xiaokang Yang 杨小康
M.S., Pattern Recognition and Intelligent Systems, Shanghai Jiao Tong University 2008.9-2011.3
免试推荐, Advisor: Prof. Yuncai Liu 刘允才 , Prof. Pengfei Shi 施鹏飞
B.E., Automation, University of Science & Technology Beijing 2004.9-2008.6