  Sixteen papers (14 correspondences & 3 benchmarks) were accepted by NeurIPS 2024
  One paper GPT for Dunhuang literature was accepted by EMNLP 2024
  I was elected as IAPR Fellow
  A paper (corr.) on dynamic graph learning was accepted by IEEE TPAMI
  I will serve as an Area Chair for ICLR 2025
  Won Outstanding, 1st, 2nd, 3rd prizes for CCF-Quantum Computing Contest 2024
  Two papers (one corr. for think2drive) were accepted by ECCV 2024
  I will serve as an Area Chair for SIGKDD 2025
  Two papers on quantum computing resource scheduling and EDA (both corr.) were accepted by ICCAD 2024
  A paper (corr.) on learning for CO was accepted by Science China 中国科学: 信息科学(中文版)
  We seized most track No.1 (10/40) in EPFL Combinational Benchmark Suite (IWLS) 2024
  Check out closed-loop AD benchmark bench2drive!
  Our paper is awarded Best Paper Candidate for CVPR 2024
  Two ACL papers and two SIGKDD papers (3 corr.) were accepted 2024
  I will serve as an Associate Editor for IEEE TPAMI
  I will serve as an Area Chair for NeurIPS 2024 and AAAI 2025
  Ten papers (9 correspondences) were accepted by ICML 2024
  I was listed as 中国“2023年智能计算创新人物” by MIT Tech Review China
  Congrats. Qitian Wu to become an Broad Institute Post-doc in AI4Science jointly hosted by MIT/Harvard
  I was awarded the 1st prize of Natural Science Award of Shaanxi Province 陕西省自然科学一等奖 2023
  I was listed as Elsevier Highly Cited Chinese Researchers 爱思唯尔高被引学者 2023
  Student Xue Yang was awarded by SJTU PhD Thesis Award (工科8人) 2023
  One survey on autonomous driving was accepted by Science China 中国科学: 信息科学(中文版)
  Check out the first (in public literature) model-based RL4AD think2drive!
  Six papers(including 1 quantum & 1 Jittor) were accepted by CVPR 2024
  The Pygmtools toolkit (correspodence) was accepted to JMLR
  Two papers (both correspondences) were accepted by WWW 2024
  I was listed as CCF Distinguished Speaker 杰出演讲者 2023
  Thirteen papers (10 correspondences & 3 on QML) were accepted by ICLR 2024
  I will serve as an Area Chair for SIGKDD 2024
  Deep Learning was rated as Shanghai 1st-class Undergraduate Course 上海市级一流本科课程
  One survey paper on visual prompt learning was accepted to Chinese Journal of Computers 计算机学报 2023
  Student Xue Yang was awarded by CCF PhD Thesis Award (全国9人) 2023
  Student Qitian Wu was awarded by SJTU Scholar Star 交大学术之星(电院2人) 2023
  Four papers (2 correspondences) were accepted by AAAI 2024
  I (as advisor) was awarded the Yau-award Golden Medal (2023丘成桐中学科学奖总决赛金奖/计算机赛道冠军-指导教师)
  I will serve as a Area Chair for ICML 2024 and Senior PC for IJCAI 2024
  One paper on drug design was accepted by Nature Communications 2023
  The Deep Learning undergraduate course was listed as Shanghai Major Course Program 上海市重点课程
  Our survey on transformer for time series was rated as the most influential (No 1) IJCAI23 paper by PaperDigest
  Seven papers (6 corr. on regular track) were accepted by NeurIPS 2023
  I will serve as an Area Chair for ICLR 2024
  Won (as supervisor) the quantum computing track for National College Challenge Cup 挑战杯特等奖 2023
  Won (as supervisor) the NSFC Undergraduate Fund 本科生自然基金 for AI4PDE 2023-2025
  Won (as supervisor) the Championship in quantum chemistry (the only one) for Mindspore-Quantum Computing Final 2023
  Congrats. Runzhong Wang becomes an MIT Post-doc in AI4Science
  Won 1st (x2), 2nd, 3rd prizes for CCF-Quantum Computing Contest 2023
  Two papers were accepted by ACM Multimedia 2023
  Two papers (both corr.) were accepted by ICCAD 2023 (One paper for the 12/40 winning for IWLS EPFL contest 2023)
  Two papers (both corr.) on autonomous driving and neural architecture search were accepted by IEEE TPAMI
  Two papers (both corr.) were accepted by ICCV 2023
  I was promoted to Full Professor
  We seized most track No.1 (12/40) in EPFL Combinational Benchmark Suite (IWLS) 2023
  I serve as an Area Chair (above SPC) for AAAI 2024
  Seven papers (all correspondence and 100% accept rate, including 1 on quantum ML) were accepted by SIGKDD 2023
  I serve as an Area Chair for ACM Multimedia 2023
  Seven papers (all correspondence, including four on quantum ML) were accepted by ICML 2023
  Three papers (2 correspondence) were accepted by IJCAI 2023
  I was promoted to Vice Chair of Senior AC Committee VALSE
  ACM Trans. on Probabilistic Machine Learning (TOPML) was approved and founded (serve as founding Senior AE)
  One paper (corr. author) on joint clustering and graph matching was accepted by IEEE TPAMI
  One paper on scalable multi-agent learning was accepted by JMLR 2023
  Four papers (2 correspondence) were accepted by CVPR 2023
  I serve as an Area Chair for NeurIPS 2023
  One paper on rotation detection was accepted by China Science 中国科学: 信息科学(中文版)
  One paper (corr. author) on molecule-based medication recommendation was accepted by WWW 2023
  Thirteen papers (corr. for 12 papers with 1st authors as SJTU students) were accepted by ICLR 2023
  I organized and hosted the AI4Science Forum hold in PRCV 2022 (CCF-C)
  Student Xue Yang (杨学) was awarded by CCF-CV Fellowship 新锐奖 2022
  I will serve as an Area Chair/SPC for ICML & IJCAI 2023
  Two papers (corr. author) on TPP were accepted by LoG & AAAI 2023
  I (as advisor) was awarded the Tencent Rhino Bird Brozen Medal (腾讯犀牛鸟中学生竞赛银牌)
  Four NeurIPS papers (all corr./SJTU 1st authors) were selected by Spotlight (5%) 2022
  I was elected as Senior CAAI Member & Distinguished CCF Member
  Two surveys on ML4MIP/ML4SAT (corr. author) were accepted by Neurocomputing/MIR
  Eleven papers (all corr. & all 1st authors are SJTU students) were accepted by NeurIPS 2022
  One paper (corr.) on autonomous driving was accepted by CoRL 2022
  One paper on expressive GNN (correspodence author) was accepted by IEEE TNNLS 2022
  One paper on structured multi-agent learning was accepted by AAMAS Journal 2022
  One paper on rotated object detection was accepted by IEEE TPAMI 2022
  Seven papers (3 correspodences) were accepted by ECCV 2022
  Three papers (all correspodences) on regular and source code track were accepted by ACM-MM 2022
  One paper on rotated detection was accepted by IEEE TCSVT 2022
  One paper on forecasting with uncertainty modeling (correspodence) was accepted by IEEE TKDE 2022
  Four papers (all correspodences) were accepted by SIGKDD 2022
  Three papers (1 correspodence) were accepted by ICML 2022
  One paper on robust time series abnormaly detection (correspodence) was accepted by IEEE TKDE 2022
  One paper (correspodence) on point process clustering was accepted by IJCAI 2022
  One paper (correspodence) on small object detection was accepted by IEEE TPAMI 2022
  I serve as an Area Chair for NeurIPS 2022
  Four papers (three correspodences) were accepted by CVPR 2022
  Our R3Det paper was rated as the most influential (No 1) AAAI21 paper by PaperDigest
  One paper (correspodence) on mesh representation learning was accepted by IEEE TNNLS 2022
  I serve as an Associate Editor for Pattern Recognition
  One paper on rotated object detection was accepted by IJCV 2022
  One paper on contrastive embedding (correspodence author) was accepted by IEEE TKDE 2022
  I serve as an Area Chair for ACM MM 2022
  Four papers (three correspodences) were accepted by ICLR 2022
  I serve as a Senior PC for IJCAI 2022
  One paper (correspodence) on generative clustering was accepted by IEEE TNNLS 2021
  I serve as an Area Chair for ICML 2022
  Student Xue Yang (杨学) was nominated by SJTU Scholar Star 2021
  One paper on robustness certification was accepted by AAAI 2022
  Student Qitian Wu (吴齐天) was awarded by Baidu Fellowship 2021
  Student Zenan Li & Xinyu Yang were awarded by Sensetime Fellowship 2021
  Student Qitian Wu was awarded by MSRA Fellowship 2021
  Student Runzhong Wang (汪润中) was awarded by CCF-CV Fellowship 新锐奖 2021
  One paper (correspondence) on GNN was accepted by IEEE TNNLS 2021
  Student Xue Yang, Hao Xiong, Yijun Wang were awarded National Fellowship 2021
  Six papers (5 correspodences) on on graph/detection were accepted by NeurIPS 2021
  One paper on on sequential graph-based recommendation was accepted by CIKM 2021
  I serve as an Area Chair for AAAI 2022
  One paper on multi-modal robotics sensing was accepted by IROS 2021
  I was entitled as IET Fellow (formal endorsement deferring to June 2023)
  Two papers (1 correspodence) on network representation and RL were accepted by KDD 2021
  Four papers (3 correspodences) on detection, graph matching, point process and recommendation were accepted by ICML 2021
  One paper on relation extraction (correspodence author) was accepted by ACL 2021
  One paper on QAP learning (correspodence author) was accepted by IEEE TPAMI 2021
  Two papers (all correspodences) were accepted by IJCAI 2021
  I was promoted to Senior IEEE Member
  I serve as an Area Chair for ACM MM 2021
  Five (including 1 oral) papers (3 correspodences) were accepted by CVPR 2021
  One paper on NAS (correspodence) was accepted by ICLR 2021
  One paper on sequential recommendation (correspodence) was accepted by IEEE TKDE 2021
  I (as advisor) was awarded the Yau-award Brozen Medal (2020丘成桐中学科学奖总决赛铜牌/全国第三名-指导教师)
  Seven papers (5 are correspodence) were accepted by AAAI 2021
  I was awarded the Wuwenjun Young Scientist (吴文俊优青-交大首次) 2020 by CAAI
  I was invited as the Associte Editor by 中国图象图形学报
  My responsible China Major R&D Program (科技部重点研发青年项目) was officially approved by MOST for 2020/11 - 2023/10
  I serve as a Senior PC for IJCAI 2021
  I serve as a Managing Guest Editor on machine learning for combinatorial optimization of Pattern Recognition 2021
  One paper (correspodence) on network embedding was accepted by IEEE TKDE 2020
  Three papers (two correspodence) on graph matching, ensemble networks, clustering were accepted by NeurIPS 2020
  One paper (correspodence) on entity relation detection was accepted by EMNLP 2020
  One paper on unsupervised optical flow learning (correspodence author) was accepted by IEEE TIP 2020
  I serve as the Special Session Chair for ICME 2021
  One survey paper on image matching (correspodence author) was accepted by IJCV 2020
  Five papers (four correspodence) on matching, deblur, detection, data augmentation, domain adaption were accepted by ECCV 2020
  One paper on deep graph matching (correspodence author) was accepted by IEEE TPAMI 2020
  One paper on cross-network matching & embedding (correspodence) was accepted by IEEE TKDE 2020
  Two papers (first-author/correspodence) on graph matching, NAS were accepted by IJCAI 2020
  One paper on multi-graph matching (correspodence author) was accepted by IEEE TPAMI 2020
  One paper on combinatorial reinforcement learning was accepted by ICMR 2020
  One paper on event sequence clustering (correspodence author) was accepted by IEEE TKDE 2020
  One paper on time series abnomarly detection (correspodence author) was accepted by IEEE TNNLS 2020
  Three papers on graph matching, zero-shot learning, adversarial learning were accepted by CVPR 2020
  I serve as an Area Chair for ICPR 2020
  I serve as an Area Chair for CVPR 2021
  One paper on distributed learning was accepted by IEEE TCYB 2020
  One paper on deep learning of optical flow estimation (correspodence author) was accepted by Pattern Recognition 2020
  One paper on deep graph matching was accepted by ICLR 2020
  One paper (correspodence author) on multipe graph matching (authored by undergraduates) was accepted by AAAI 2020
  I will organize as GE for Pattern Recognition on Graph-based Methods for Large Scale Financial and Business Data Analysis [link]
  One paper on temporal point process (authored by undergraduates) was accepted by NeurIPS 2019
  My responsible regular NSFC fund (面上基金) has been approved by NSFC for 2020 - 2023
  With Pingan Tech., we won the World Champion of COIN (COmmonsense INference) organized by EMNLP-IJCNLP 2019
  Three papers on graph matching, object detection and video analytics were accepted by ICCV 2019 (two correspodence)
  I was awarded as the Distinguished Young Scientist by Scientific Chinese for year 2018
  With Donghua University, we won the World Champion of 2019 Alibaba Cainiao Logistics Competition
  I was awarded (as the supervisor) as the Silver Award of 2019 SJTU Internet+ Innovation & Entrepreneurship Competition
  Four papers on graph embedding/matching, knowledge graph, time series were accepted by IJCAI 2019 (two correspodence)
  I serve as an SPC for CIKM 2019
  I lead and will present a tutorial on temporal point process learning on KDD 2019 [link]
  I lead and will present a tutorial on temporal point process learning on IJCAI 2019 [link]
  My hosted VALSE webminar on graph matching and image registration has been successfully held online VALSE
  I was invited to write a survey letter on temporal point process learning in Chinese for Communication of PRMI.CAA
  Two papers on sequential AutoML (correspondence) and graph based clustering were accepted by CVPR 2019
  I will organize as a managing guest editor for IEEE T-NNLS on spatial-temporal point processs learning [link]
  I will organize as a co-managing guest editor for Pattern Recognition on modeling and learning for graph matching [link]
  I serve as an area chair for PRCV 2019
  I was awarded the open project (1st place) by Lab of CAS-NLPR on deep graph matching
  One paper was accepted by SDM 2019 [arxiv]
  I serve as a Sponsorship Chair for ICMR 2021
  I serve as a Special Seesion Chair for ICIP 2019
  One survcey paper on graph matching (in Chinese) was accepted by Control Theory and Applications CTA 2018
  One paper on sequence learning (extension to AAAI17) was accepted by IEEE T-NNLS (correspondence) [arxiv]
  One paper on graph matching was accepted by NIPS 2018 (academic advisor)
  I serve as a publicity chair for VALSE 2019
  One paper on person re-id was accepted by ACM MM 2018
  One paper on graph matching was accepted by ECCV 2018 (academic advisor)
  I was appointed as the vice Secretary General (副秘书长) by CSIG-BVD
  One paper was accepted by
  One paper on event sequence learning was accepted by KDD 2018 (correspondence)
  Four papers (three on sequence learning) were accepted by
2018 (1 first-author and 1 correspondence)
  I was appointed as the Guest Editor for Neurocomputing (IF=4.072 2018).  
  I started my new position as the
Research Professor (tenure-track)
with CSE Department, Shanghai Jiao Tong University  
  One paper was accepted by
2018 (second-author)
  One paper on graph matching was accepted by CVPR 2018 (correspondence)
  I was awarded
(rank 6th) 基于物联网和人工智能的预测性维护和生产质量控制 2017
  I was awarded
IBM Research Accomplishment
(rank 2nd) for Visual Inspection Technology and Solutions 2017
  I was awarded
IBM Research Accomplishment
(rank 2nd) for Research-based Predictive Maintenance and Analysis 2017
  One paper was accepted by
(IF=4.098 2018) (correspondence)  
  Two papers (one on event sequence learning) were accepted by
2018 (1 correspondence)
  I was renewed as
IBM Master Inventor
  I was appointed as
Adjunct Graduate Advisor
with Big Data School, Fudan University 2017.10-2020.10
  SDALA Team Rank 10/~400 on
  One paper on event sequence learning was accepted by
2017 [arxiv]
  I was promoted to IBM band 9 as
Senior Research Staff Member
with IBM
  One paper was accepted by
(IF=4.098 2018) (co-work with ECNU)  
  Organizer for
(IF=4.098 2018) Special Section: Sequential Data Modeling and Their Emerging Applications [link]  
  One paper was accepted by IEEE T-NNLS (correspondence) [arxiv]
  One paper on sequence learning was accepted by SIGIR 2017 (co-work with THU).  
  One paper on sequence learning was accepted by ACL 2017 (co-work with ECNU).  
  Two papers on person re-id and text tracking were accepted by IEEE T-IP (co-work with SJTU, USTB).  
  I was appointed as the Leading Guest Editor for Pattern Recognition Letters.  
  I was appointed as Associate Editor for IEEE ACCESS.  
  One paper was accepted by CVPR 2017 (correspondence).  
  I was awarded
CCF Doctoral Thesis Award
for year 2016.