IBM LCD Defect Inspection Offering [IBM官网客户案例] [人民邮电报] [sohu] IBM Paint Defect Inspection Offering [youku] IBM VI Offering: COgnitive Visual Inspection Analytics [link] IBM Research Accomplishment: GMU Sales Transformation
Individual rank 6th/11 IBM Accomplishment 2013, Revenue Impact $40MIBM Research Accomplishment: IBM Growth Market Sales Transformation
Individual rank 5th/12 IBM Outstanding Accomplishment 2014, Revenue Impact $178.8MIBM Research Accomplishment: Variable Pay Analytics
Individual rank 5th/7 IBM Accomplishment 2015, Revenue Impact $7MIBM Research Accomplishment: Next-Generation Opportunity Discovery Solutions for Enterprises
Individual rank 4th/9 IBM Accomplishment 2015, Revenue Impact $16MIBM Research Accomplishment: CoRE - Cognitive Recommendation Engine
Individual rank 4th/9 IBM Accomplishment 2016, Revenue Impact $7.18M
Machine Learning for Combinatorial Optimization
PI, 科技创新2030新一代人工智能重大项目 2030 China Key Research and Development Program 2020AAA0107600, 2020-2023General-purpose AI Solvers for Complex Discrete Optimization
PI, 国家自然科学基金下一代人工智能重大研究计划重点项目 NSFC Major Research Program Key Project 92370201, 2024-2027Data-driven Intelligent Graph Computing
PI, 国家自然科学基金优秀青年基金项目 NSFC Outstanding Youth Project 62222607, 2023-2025Machine Learning Driven Solvers for Partial Differential Equation
PI's Mentor, 国家自然科学基金青年学生项目(指导教师) NSFC Undergrduate Student Project 623B1009, 2023-2025Portfolio Combinatorial Optimization based on Data and Behaviors
co-PI, 国家自然科学基金管理科学部专项重点项目 NSFC Management Science Key Project 72342023, 2024-2027Multimodal Public Transportation Systems Management under Emergencies and Special Events
co-PI, 国家自然科学基金管理科学部国际合作项目 NSFC Management Science Key Project 72061127003, 2020-2023Asynchronous Sequence driven Human-like Intelligent Perception and Decision Making
co-PI, 国家自然科学基金企业联合基金 NSFC Union Key Project U19B2035, 2020-2023Modeling and Learning of the Dynamics of Multi-dimensional Temporal Data
PI, 国家自然科学基金面上项目 NSFC Regular Project 61972250, 2020-2023Models and Algorithms for Behaviral Data driven Cross-individual Relation Discovery and Matching
PI, 国家自然科学青年基金 NSFC Youth Project 61602176, 2017-2019Distribution-adaptive generalizable GNNs with Applications to Graph Problem Solving
PI, 上海市“科技创新行动计划”人工智能科技支撑专项计划 Shanghai Municipal AI Fund 2017T100285, 2022-2024Machine Learning for the Correspondence Problem in Computer Vision
PI, 中国博士后科学基金第10批特别资助 China Post-Doc Special Fund 2017T100285, 2017-2018Graph Structure based Object Detection and Localization
PI, 中国博士后科学基金第59批面上资助 China Post-Doc Class One Fund 2016M590337, 2016-2018Cognitive Computing for Semantic Video Classification via Deep Learning
Co-PI (IBM side), IBM Research Global Shared Union Research Project with FDU (Prof. Yu-Gang Jiang, 姜育刚), 2016-2017Profile Enrichment and Client Purchase Propensity Estimation for Digital Sales
Co-PI (IBM side), IBM Faculty Award Project with FDU (Prof. Xiangyang Xue, 薛向阳, Prof. Qi Zhang, 张奇), 2016-2017Threat Detection in Enterprise: A Visual Analysis Approach
Co-PI (IBM side), IBM Research Global Shared Union Research Project with NYU Shanghai (Prof. Nan Cao, 曹楠), 2016-2017Recommender System towards Fast Changing and Emerging Markets
Co-PI (IBM side), IBM Research Global Shared Union Research Project with ECNU (Prof. Hongyuan Zha, 查宏远), 2015-2016